Noah Dragoon

Full Stack Web Developer

Image of Me

I'm Noah. Welcome to my personal website!

About Me

I'm 21 years old, I'm married, and I have 2 cats. I love creating and learning how to create. I am currently working as a Programmer Analyst at Magaya Corporation in the Customs Compliance branch. I completed my Associate's degree at Empire State University in Science, Mathematics, and Technology with studies in Computer Science. I have also completed Udacity's online Full Stack Web Development Nanodegree course. I enroll in many different Udemy courses to further my knowledge and experience. I love to create software that makes the user experience as enjoyable as possible.

My Experience

Magaya Corporation

2 years 0 months

Programmer Analyst

January 2024 - Present


  • Completing large client projects from SOWs.
  • Proactively identifying and resolving intricate bugs.
  • Efficiently completing Product Backlog Items (PBI) and implementing feature requests.

Technical Support Agent

May 2023 - January 2024 (9 months)


  • Troubleshooting software or user errors using Chrome DevTools.
  • Creating bug reports for software issues.
  • Completing tasks for software issues and development requests.
  • Working in a team setting to provide technical support efficiently.
  • Working alongside customers through their urgent matters.

Customer Support Agent

June 2021 - May 2023 (2 years)


  • Troubleshooting software or user errors.
  • Working in a team setting to provide support efficiently.
  • Working alongside customers through their urgent matters.

Udacity Full Stack Developer Nanodegree

March 2023

Online. See my Nanodegree Here

  • Learned to build database models in Python with SQLAlchemy using PostgreSQL and psycopg2, using Flask-Migrate for database migrations.
  • Learned how to build a REST API that performs CRUD actions using Flask and Flask-CORS.
  • Learned to authenticate users with permissions and RBAC with the Auth0 authentication API.
  • Learned to deploy Web Applications using Kubernetes on AWS, as well as on the Render Cloud Platform.
  • Created a git repository and used git and GitHub for version control, see the projects section of my profile for the capstone project on GitHub.

Contact Info

You can contact me at my personal E-mail Here, or, you can always reach out on LinkedIn Here.